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Photos by Peter Schoen

Pik Chetyreh, 6230m

Partners: Avner Magen & Mor Doron (Israel),
Vladimir Vinduska & Pavel Kunt (Czech Republic)

Chetyreh as seen from the Moskvina Glades
(Pik Somoni & Korzhenevskaya Base Camp) to the West.

View to Pik Somoni (7495m) from our
High Camp on Pik Chetyreh

Avalanche off Pik Iswestia (6840 m),
which is part of the Academy of Science Range.
Pik Somoni (Kommunizma, 7495m) is
visible in the background.

Vladimir and Pavel on the south flank of Pik Chetyreh

The Author before skiing off the summit
of Pik Chetyreh via the SE aspect (45°)

The Author skiing Pik Chetyreh

Pik Ahmadi-Donesh (6664m), Pik Chetyreh (6230m, foreground),
Pik Klara Zetkin (6680m) and Pik Iswestia (6840 m), seen from high on Pik Korzhenevskaya

Avalanche of the Pamir Plateau (about 6000m)

Pik Korzhenvskaya, 7105m
Partner: Avner Magen (Israel)

Pik Korzhenevskaya from the SE,
as seen from the slopes of Pik Chetyreh

High Camp at 6300m. Pik Somoni in the background

The author skiing on Pik Korzhenevskaya

Avner descending between 6300 and 6100m

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