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Kush Kaya Routs: Right trouser lag, "Башкировская" (Bashkirovskaya)

"Right trouser lag ", V grade

Approach to the big deciduous tree, growing near the beginning of the big break (near "Right trouser lag")(R3) see in the deion of the route “In the center through the bushes" (II-III grade).

Then ascend 40 m to the top of the break (80°, V). Belay point R4 is under the top on the other side of the break.

From the top of the break ascend 10 m by difficult rocks till the bolt and then go to the right to the crack. Go along the crack to the left and upwards to the small grotto with a bush — R5.

Section R5-R6 is a the bolt ladder, about 30 m long.

From R6 go upwards along the right corner of " tub " to the area on the top of the vertical stone — "cucumber" .

From the area ascend along the slab, then by the corner till the grotto — R7

From the grotto go along the corners, bypassing the overhang on the right or on the left, go to the 2 bolts on the slab — R8.

Go 30 m by the corner, and ascend to the peak.


« Штаны » (Trousers) - yellow rocks in the center of the wall look like trousers.

" cucumber " -a rocky break.


" Башкировская " (Bashkirovskaya) V grade *

Approach to the "Big Chimney" (R5) see in the deion of the route: “In the center through the bushes " ( II-III grade )

From R5 go 10 m to the left to the beginning of the crack and go upwards 30 m along it (V) — R6. Moving along the crack can be difficult, especially in spring and autumn, when the crack becomes overgrown.

Ascend 4 m to the cornice, bypass it on the left and ascend by the corner to the second cornice — R7.

The second cornice bypass also on the left, then go along the corner to the area comfortable for belay — R8.

The next section of the route can be passed by 2 different variations. The right variation goes firstly along the slab to the right and upwards 5 m , then 4 m upwards and after it 10-m traverse to the left to the crack comfortable for climbing. Ascend along it to the summit.

The left variation starts by 8-m ascent on the vertical crack, then traverse to the left 10 m and go upwards by easy rocks to the summit.

* In M ГТУ Bauman's this route is named in honor of the alpinist Vladimir Bashkirov.
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