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Notice: Undefined variable: top_comments in /usr/local/www/mountainru/data/article/mainarticle.php on line 486 Author: Alexander Lavrinenko, Odessa

Small Kilse Buroon 638m

The route " Кризис (Crisis)" 5 Б (225m 6 аА 3)
Lavrinenko. А Maximenya. А

The route goes along the left side of the wall to the big pine-tree, and then it goes through the middle grade rocks to the pine-tree on the summit. Crux section is the lower part (100m 6 а А 3), then it isn't more difficult then 5 в . Like all the routes od Small Kilse, it looks well from the road, but the nearer you come the more questions appear…

0-1 Beginning is near the sign. Go upwards by the slanting crack, turning to the left, mainly by AID (pins, bird's beaks, RURP), climb to the ledge (moving stones!) Belay is on 2 bolts. 45m 5 с А 2

1-2 Go upwards from the belay, enter the overhanging destroyed corner. Go upwards along the corner, AID + climbing (pins, middle and big friends), till the ledge with belay, there, there is a bolt.

2-3 Go 15-20m upwards from the belay by the destroyed overhanging crack, then turn to the right, into the corner, then climb to the big pine-tree. Belay. 50m 5 с А 2

3-4 Go to the left and upwards from the belay, to the direction of a pine-tree. Go upwards from the tree, to the next pine-tree.

Belay is there. 50m 5 в

4-5 Go upwards from the pine-tree, turning a bit to the left, climb to the summit. 60m is only enough! 5 в

It is recommended to climb the route with double rope.

Brunza – Shilov's route doesn't exist till 1991! On R 1 belay it becomes obvious. Nothing like "firstly a bit to the right till the abrupt corner and then 5 m upwards along it. Then make difficult slanting traverse, 25 m to the right and a bit upwards by the destroyed wall to the ledge

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