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8.09.2024 10:33:58
()Kayland M11+ Woman (СПб) (ID=9117)

Санкт-Петербург. Очень легкие (800гр), абсолютно новые, крутые горные ботинки, с рантами для крепления кошек. Размер 36 русский. US 6 Цена 350$ Техническая инфа: Dual-Function Crampon Bail - The new front crampon bail is integrated with a full-length TPU midsole support structure. Dual-Zone Contact Lacing System - Anatomically asymmetrical, with free-floating lace points that allow the upper to conform precisely to the shape of the foot, as well as a Lace Lock for bi-zonal fine tuning. New Upper - A combination of microfiber, suede, and schoeller® materials resulting in improved fit, performance, and durability for this award-winning design. New Vaporlite Midsole - Utilizing a microporous material that cushions and supports, an integrated TPU crampon bail/full-length midsole support, and combined with our E.C.T. ROCK insole, the new midsole represents a 20% weight savings over previous versions. Protective Gaiter - The gaiter made from schoeller®- WB-formula material combines weatherproofing from the outside and climate control from the inside. Automatic crampons shoeller® gaiters E.C.T. Rock insoles A5/A5W last Level of rigidity - 9 Dryver® + Primaloft® + eVent® liner New Kayland Vaporlite Midsole. Vibram® Teton sole Microfiber + Suede upper 800 g.

Цена: 350.00

Категория товара: ледовое снаряжение, обувь

Контактная информация: Айгуль lotfullina.ru ayonarap@gmail.com
e-mail: ayonarap@gmail.com

Дата размещения товара: 27.05.2013 21:59:46
Дата последнего изменения: 28.05.2013 22:04:45

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