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Mountain photos - amateur
and professional photos of mountains.
The "Big Wall - Russian Way" project. In search of new object Yesterday, on June, 8, the project leaders A.Odintsov and A.Ruchkin took off for Pakistan to conduct reconnaissance of the area. Mt. Masherbrum, 7820m, is considered as a possible object for the following ascent. |
Wedding Atop Everest
Two deep in love Nepalese climbers, Moni Mulepati, 24, and Pem Dorjee, 23, got married this week on the Everest summit. |
Announcement: Literature. New book. Christophe Moulin. SoloS. A new book authored by Christophe Moulin "Solos" (in French) is just out. The "monster" of mountaineering wrote about his eight year - solo - ascents. About the reasons, induced him to climb solo. About first experience. About impressions. About love to mountains. All photos (number: 2) |
Date update: 2.06.2005 New project: Ê2, West Face, (8611m), new route
The basic phase of the expedition will proceed from June till September, 2006. 20 sportsmen - the strongest Russian climbers from different cities of the country - will go to Pakistan from Moscow. From June, 15 till July, 25, 2005 the first stage of the expedition will start: the advanced group of the Russian climbers will approach under the foot of K2 West Face from Pakistan side where will set the base camp, scribe a future new route line and start fixing the rope on the beginning site of K2 West Face. |
UIAA/ICC WORLDCUP 2005 - IMST, Austria Difficulty. Finals. Results.
Women |
Melungtse Expedition. Nikolay Totmyanin reports from Katmandu:
"We are in Katmandu now: getting used to civilization and gathering to back home.
We will arrive in Moscow only on June 1: many things in our lives go by contraries. On Saturday we saw Carlos home. |
Russian Rock-Climbing Championship 2005 in Ekaterinburg. Difficulty. Results. Krasnoyarsk forever :-) Results
1. Ovchinnikov Eugeny, Krasnoyarsk
1. Chereshneva Yana, Krasnoyarsk |
A helicopter of Eurocopter series, EADS European aviation group branch, on May, 14, 2005 fixed a world record, having flied at the highest altitude around Mt Everest. A French pilot, Delsesalle Didier, made launching of helicopter (Ecureuil/AStar AS350 B3) from base camp in Lukla (2866m) and reached the highest altitude around Mt Everest 8 850 m and after 3-min 15 sec hovering safely returned back. On May, 15 the flight was repeated. The previous record was achieved on November 2, 2004, in Himalayas, by the Indian crew, when the chopper of SA 315 Lama, designed under license Eurocopter and with engine tuning took off at 7670 m. "We wanted to show ability of our chopper to work at high altitude. Our business rivals, American company Bell, also made an attempt to fly to the Everest, but they did not succeed", - the representative of Eurocopter company Jean-Louis Espes noticed. The new world record gives a way to reconsider also the concept of high-altitude rescue operations organization. Source: http://fr.news.yahoo.com |
Sergey Bogomolov. 14 World "8-thousand" Mountains Project. Manaslu. Brief-report about the last 30 days of the expedition. For the tens day of staying in BC Giya Tortladze and I made 2-nd climb and got acclimatized at 6900 m. Other teams worked under their own tactical plans, but then continuous nine-days snow and windy bad weather began. A German team was the first, that having used a limit of time, had to bail and its losses were the most appreciable: 12 tents with gear have remained at 6900 m and 7200 in "depot".
But when zealously run up and jumped other 1300 m at once from C1 to C2, we found out only at plane snow slope: all our tents, all equipment just vanished. The Mountain once again showed its tough character. It is not enough, that it banned our ascent. It took away our gear. The detailed information hardly later. |
Rock-Climbing. Youth European Cup, Second stage, Imst (AUT). Starring: David Lama and Charlotte Durif. On May, 21-22 in Imst the medallists of Youth European Cup were determined. All photos (number: 9) Source: http://www.sportzentrum.at |
Expedition Chomo-Lonzo 2005. The Happy End
May, 21, Saturday,
7.30 pm local time. Christian Trommsdorff reports:
May, 22, Sunday, 8.30 pm local time. Christian Trommsdorff calls:
Our yaks are waiting in BC, all is in readiness for forwarding.
Expedition is finished. Source: Jean-Claude Marmier, President Committee of French Federation of Himalaya, www.ffme.fr |
Melungtse, North Face. News from Jury Koshelenko:
On May, 20
On May, 19
On May, 18 Weather spoils during afternoon every day. And particularly everything around is covering with wind and snow. But we are already in our tent, drink cocoa. The last spending the night was in sitting position. We sat three together on an ice ledge of 40 degrees. All the night long we were slipping down and fanning away snow. After we have reached the ridge our things went easier, I hope all the cruxes we have climbed. Would the weather be a bit better..... But it has been snowing all the time.... Source: Larisa Martykina, www.bask.ru |
Last weekend Valery Rozov had his awe-inspiring jubilee - 6000 skydiving jumps In this occasion the formation named 21-way took place on DZ (Dropzone) Stupino.
Air operators: All photos (number: 6) |
Expedition Chomo-Lonzo 2005
May, 19, 4.00 pm local time, base camp. Christopher Moulin informs:
8.00 pm local time. Christian Trommsdorff informs: Doubts came thick upon...
On May, 18. at 8.00 pm. Christian Trommsdorff reports from camp at 6850m: Under the forecast some weather calm is expected tomorrow till Sunday evening. And tomorrow we have to make the decision, in view of modest stocks of food and gas, to be or not to be, that means to climb or not to climb. Source: Jean-Claude Marmier, President Committee of French Federation of Himalaya, www.ffme.fr |
The result of long-term data made by Chinese glaciologists became the fact that within last 30 years the area of glaciers on the Tsing Hai (Qing Hai) -Tibetan upland was annually reduced 147,36 square kilometer on the average. After telemetering measurements and field survey of a site of the upland they found out that the area of glaciers on "the roof of the world " was reduced from 48859,18 sq. kilometers in 70-th years of 20-th century up to present 44438,4 sq. kilometers. In particular scientists consider the situation in areas of Pamir, Himalayas, Kailas and Karakorum as the most serious. According to expert opinion the reasons of this phenomenon became global climate warming and caused by this changes of local climate that have led to reduction of annual precipitation on "the roof of the world" and thus have caused deterioration of ecological environment in this area. Simultaneously it was reported the extreme development of cattle breeding, development of resort zones and construction of large objects sped up negative natural processes. The area of Tsing Hai (Qing Hai) -Tibetan upland makes up around 2,5 million sq. kilometers or one quarter of land territory of China. |
Chomo Lonzo FFME Expedition. Stephane Benoist and Patrice Glairon-Rappaz - new route on Chomo Lonzo On May, 16 at 20.30 Christophe Moulin from base camp and Christian Christian Trommsdorff from camp at 6100 report: They went and did that! Stephane Benoist and Patrice Glairon-Rappaz today summited Chomo Lonzo Northern top, 7199m: after three-day living on the route they laid a new and direct line on the West Face. The route seems worthy for a two-man team having Tauliraju 2002, Thalay-Sagar 2003 in their repertoire.
Ascent chronicle:
The guys got tired, but that was worth it: a new strong route, clean Alpine style (the route was ascended in one push, the climbers were carrying everything they need. Each pitch was normally ascended only once and no fixed ropes were used and intermediate camps were set), high altitude, complex combinations of vertical ice gullies and delicate mixed-climbing. Source: Jean-Claude Marmier, President Committee of French Federation of Himalaya, www.ffme.fr |
ChamFestival 2005. Winners and laureates. Russian Extreme Project leads the way. Congratulations! On Sunday, May, 15, in Shamonix the winners of the Second Internet Film Festival were elected. They have handed it to base-jumpers :) The first prize of jury
Fisher Tower. Authors Jerome Ruby and Dom Janiszewski, France. 9min 30. The FFME Prize (FEDERATION FRANCAISE MONTAGNE ET ESCALADE-French Mountain and Climbing Federation) B.A.S.E.-climbing in Pakistan. Authors: Russian Extreme Project, Valery Rozov, Russia. 5min 43 The Audience Prize High Fly Summits . Authors Ride The Planets, France. 13min 31 A travel from Mont Blanc up to Fuji with Souls Flyer's parachutes headed by Loic Jean Albert. Jury ChamFestival
Jury presidents: Jean Afanassieff and Didier Lafond. FFME Jury: Jean - Jean Claude Marmier, Bernard Domenech, Thierry Renault. Prizes: Andy Parkin. |
On May, 12 Ed Viesturs summited Mt. Annapurna, 8,091m. And consequently he has finished his 16-year quest under the name "First American summited all 14 "8-thousand" mountains of the planet". |
Date update: 17.05.2005 Chomo Lonzo FFME Expedition. Cold night at 6800m May, 15, 21.00. Base camp. Communication was bad, we could find out the following: first of all, the good news - the wind lost force at high altitude sometimes its blasts reach 30êkm/h. Despite of yesterday's storm, the "younger" guys, Yann Bonneville and Aymeric Clouet climbed up 6800m where they hoped to find two tents, sleeping bags and food that the group of the intimate comrades summited the Mountain (Trommsdorff-Graziani-Wagnon) had left for them last Sunday. But there were not any traces: the hurricane swept everything away. And what is more the situation was complicated the fact that the unreasonable children had only one down parka at halves. Cold spending the night at 6800m was drawing close... "Well, we do not want to descend at all!" - they thought and stayed out. And survived. It was a quite good lesson for the future: never rely on left at high altitude gear (wind, snow cover up any traces). Next morning the guys felt very exhausted and left their arrogant plans about summit push. It was the uneasy decision if to take into account one and a half month of working on the mountain. Such is life, such is mountaineering. Part of the gear Aymeric and Yann left in the camp at 6800m, probably it is required to the three-man team Trommsdorff-Graziani-Wagnon, in their tomorrow's the central peak summit push and "big traverse" if, certainly, the weather conditions are tolerable.
Radio dialogue with Stephane Benoist and Patrice Glairon-Rappaz was difficult. At 1.30 am they set a bivy at 7000m on the ridge connecting northern and central summits. Weather is unstable. Despite of some decrease of the wind, the sky tightens, clouds are trailing snow and there is a touch of coming monsoon in the air. Brief historical information: this day, on May, 15 1955, 50 years ago Lionel Terray and Jean Couzy were the first humanoids summited Makalu. Weather was improbable: incredible - excellent, silent and windless. Some days later Jean Franco, Guido Magnone, Jean Bouvier, Andre Vialatte, Serge Coupe and Pierre Leroux successfully repeated that. It was the great year for the French mountaineering. This year it has not been any Makalu ascents from Chomo Lonzo side yet. Source: Jean-Claude Marmier, President Committee of French Federation of Himalaya, www.ffme.fr |
Date update: 17.05.2005 Chomo Lonzo FFME Expedition May, 12, 20:30. A call from base camp: The sky is still tightened, the temperature falls, and the wind amplifies (it's about 120km/h at 8000m according to the forecast).
A two-man team of Stephane Benoist and Patrice Glairon-Rappaz left BC in the morning, the nearest three days promise to be sated for them. As to Christian Trommsdorff, Yannick Graziani and Patrick Wagnon, the guys continue to have a rest after their successful summit push. Source: Jean-Claude Marmier, President Committee of French Federation of Himalaya, www.ffme.fr |
Date update: 17.05.2005 ChamFestival 2005. 2nd edition. Shamonix. May, 13-14. David Oterman and TVMountain present:) The Second Internet Film Festival runs on May, 13-14 in Shamonix. Among 12 festival films: - "Lotus Flower", 16-minute film directed by Guillaume Broust and Benoit Robert (FR). Starring top-climbers Stephanie Bodet, Beth Rodden, Tommy Caldwell, Arnaud Petit. - "Robin Hood" (bouldering and rock-climbing): 11-minute film directed by Guillaume Broust and Laurent Lafouche (FR). Starring Toni Lamiche, Francois Lombard ... - "B.A.S.E.-climbing in Pakistan ", Russian Extreme Project, 5-minute film directed by Valery Rozov. - "Mali", GMHM and Arnaud Petit present 3-minute film about sending of top-routes in Mount Hombori, Mali. - "Biographie 9a +", 11-minute film directed by Fred Ripert (FR): Sylvain Millet made "Biographie 9a +" on May, 24, 2004. Have you anything farther to say? - "Fisher Tower", 9-minute film directed by Jerome Ruby and Dom Janiszewski (FR): Jerome Ruby, Dede Rhem and a B.A.S.E-jump from Titan, Fisher Tower (USA) in autumn 2003. - Bleau Session. Bouldering in Fontainebleau. 8-minute film directed by Sylvain Dion (FR). |
Pierre Tardivel. First performance: ski descent via Pointe du Midi North Face Coronation of this mountain-skiing season: on April, 22 Pierre Tardivel for the first time made ski descent on 700-meter North Face of Pointe du Midi, the highest wall of this mountain massif. Steepness of the slope was from 45 up to 50 degrees. Source: http://www.kairn.com |
Southern coast of Crimea. Red Stone and Sosnyak (Pine forest): new bouldering problems New bouldering problems are set: found, cleared, and signed in the areas of Red Stone and Sosnyak (Pine forest). More information and the guide-book see in RED STONE shop in the settlement of Krasnokamenka. You can also hire there boulder-pads (in gage of your passport). If you are going to climb with genial company the hire turns out cheap, and your will spend cheerful and unforgettable time. In the shop please contact to Sergey Kovalev, the main bouldering inspirer in Crimea. He clears, signs lines and makes convenient start sites. It seems if things are moving in such way soon the Crimea will become popular not only due to its interesting rock-climbing lines but also to wonderful bouldering areas. You are welcome to climb bouldering in Crimea. It is really fascinating! Photo: Nakhodka Kovaleva (Kovalev's find) Sosnyak (Pine forest) All photos (number: 9) Source: Serik Kazbekov, Natalia Perlova |
Date update: 17.05.2005 Chomo Lonzo FFME Expedition. First success in their efforts 8.05 Christian Trommsdorff, Yannick Graziani and Patrick Wagnon reached Chomo Lonzo Northern Summit, 7199 m. Source: http://ffme.fr |
Alpindustria Andventure Team and 7 Summits Club Everest Expedition
06.05.005. Tomorrow the part of our team plans to leave in Xegar. Tomorrow also we plan to see off home Sergey Semenov and Dmitry Tsokur. Their term of stay in our mountaineering camp was finished. Their program was designed only up to North Col. All Members ad Sherpas are alive - are healthy, everyone send the regards, nobody coughs. In our tents is warm. The majority of members from others expeditions speak, that the Russian Base Camp is one of the best this year. |
Veliko Tyrnovo, Bulgaria. Rock-climbing World Cup. First stage. Difficulty. Results: Men
1. FLavio Crespi, Italy Women:
1. Angela Eiter, Austria
The Russians: Dmitry Sharafutdinov (Ekaterinburg) - 23-th, Ivan Kaurov (Saint Petersburg) - 26-th. All photos (number: 2) |
Melungtse Expedition. Royal Mount Travel informs:
Tomorrow the command will get over Fulashan pass, and we will communicate only by satellite phone then.
18.04.05 |
European Youth Climbing Days 2005 – 4th edition Rock Junior in Arco
The European Youth Climbing Days 2005 and the fourth edition of the Rock Junior return to Arco (Trentino, Italy) from 18-19 June. The two day event is open to all, newcomers and experts alike, and is comprised of exciting games (Play and climb) to discover climbing and instructional courses (Climbing Campus) to explore and learn about the world of the rocks and the surrounding nature. Furthermore, children and their parents will be able to take part in the playful Kid's Rock and Family Rock competitions, while the best young European athletes will compete in the sports climbing Under 14 Cup. Maximum safety is guaranteed by the Mountain Guides, the Mountain Rescue services (SAT and Guardia di Finanza), the Moena Police Alpine Training Force (Centro Addestramento Alpino della Polizia di Stato di Moena). Registration is now possible online on http://www.rockjunior.info or via the Rock Master Association.
REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION: All photos (number: 3) |
News from Alpindustria Andventure Team and 7 Summits Club Everest Expedition. Tibet side. Spring 2005 Abramov Alexander (expedition leader) reports from Everest BC (5100m), Tibet.
April 19 Dmitry Moskalev got ill - he has a fever 38C. Most probably he will go down for a couple of days. There are 2 people left in BC now - Andrey Selivanov and Alexander Abramov. Abramov is trying to get quickly acclimatized and preparing to go up - hopefully tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The guys will spend 3 nights at 6300m, after this part of the group goes to the North Col, and part goes down. It started snowing today and got colder. I talked with all the groups on the radio. Everyone is feeling good. |
Íàçàä [1-30] [31-60] [61-90] [91-120] [121-150] [151-180] [181-210] [211-240] [241-270] [271-300] [301-330] [331-360] [361-390] [391-420] [421-450] [451-480] [481-510] [511-540] [541-570] [571-600] [601-630] [631-660] [661-690] [691-720] [721-750] [751-780] [781-810] [811-840] [841-870] [871-900] [901-930] [931-960] [961-990] [991-1020] [1021-1050] [1051-1080] [1081-1083] Äàëåå |
(25.02.2005) All nominees are assembled. In some minutes the hanging committee opens representation of the projects - the most important alpine achievements over the past year. In the evening just past midnight (Moscow time) the Winners will be announced.
Our climb was rather uneasy - the route appeared very long and difficult. We had to haul a lot of gear as the route includes practically all elements: difficult rock-climbing, AID-climbing, ice and snow climbing. We did our best and showed a good result - for the first day we climbed the ice-fall, made 11 pitches up to the Col and 18 pitches after it and stop to spend the night sitting on a small ledge under the traverse. It was cold but according to the Patagonian measures rather tolerable as it could be much worse. Since the morning we quickly traversed and met a great company of British climbers descending to base camp after four day-climbing the route. They were impressed very much at our technique and speed of climb, and later, on the party they invited us to arrive in UÊ on annual international forum. In the same place we met Slovenian familiar girls Tanya and Monica that had luck this time: they found courage to return after a week-old failure and summited after a three-day climb. After the traverse we made four pitches more. The sun was already shining with all his might. It was the 4-th day of ideal sun weather. We prayed on good weather and we had it. However it brought us the main problem. Under the sun's rays the summit ice mushroom, hanging above a vertical headwall, began to thaw and crumble. When we got under it, the collapse of ice-blocks drew to a head. Every pitch more and more ice fell from above. Making the 4-th pitch we had to shelter from the ice bombardment with our backpacks for some minutes and to take advantage of a 30-second break to climb some meters more. It became too dangerous. And we decided that living is high and bailed being overpowered by nature. And it was not for nothing. Traversing back and being already in safe place we saw a great ice collapse falling on our route and sweeping away everything on the way. Really, we realized that the danger was over. Slovene girls descended this dangerous dihedral before us, but they were not such lucky - Monica was rather seriously injured and fractured rib. But all the same, they were very pleased indeed. For the same reason this day Dean Potter did not manage to summit Torre Egger, Thomas Huber bailed too, the Austrians Toni and Marcus stop climbing Cerro Torre via Maestri -Egger route. Too good weather appeared good-for-nothing for climb in Patagonia. Now we are reviving in Chalten and plan to leave on Fitz Roy to climb the American route. This time the weather is bad, but according weather forecast we will have a weather window on Monday. And on Monday we will leave Polish camp site at the foot of Fitz Roy. We have no enough time, in a week we have to leave back. So if they do not prove the weather window, we will not climb at all. It will not be easy to get under the route: we have to go through rather dangerous place - a couloir between Fitz Roy and Poincenot with hanging above huge ice seracs. We will try to work quickly. Wish
us of good luck. |
At night there was a nasty turn in the weather indeed, however the next day it improved again and we moved forward to Norwegian-camp at the foot of Cerro Torre. Having humped our heavy backpacks (about 40kg each) we made good time crossing 10 km onto a huge glacier, moraines and loose talus for 11 hours. Well, later we were requited for our uneasy trek.
Having spent the white night under stones at Norwegos we moved further. Under the plan we had to climb towards the Col where to spend the night. But on our way we were informed on a satellite phone about bad weather forecast for the nearest 3 days. It seemed to be the truth because since the morning the summit was tightened with dark clouds with lightning flashed in. Thus everywhere except for Cerro Torre the weather was good. Fitzroy (just in 3 km) was absolutely clear of cloud. We dropped the backpacks and went further with light baggage - to get limbered up and look at the route condition. On our way we met the Slovenes who bailed their climb due to the bad weather and then Dean Potter and Thomas Huber. They did not want to ask for trouble too climbing through bad weather. Thomas appeared a very pleasant guy, smiling and thanking a lot when we suggested them to throw off the rope for rappelling. As the result we climbed halfway up to the col. Rocks were wet with ice sites in places and we climbed in crampons. When small avalanches began to collapse we gave up and descended right up to Bridwell-camp.
Leo and Kevin just summited Fitzroy, Cazarotto route (North ridge). They had expected to climb the route for one day (under the description it's difficultly no more than 6b, and the guys are the real experienced climbers of 8-graded lines). However the route appeared very complex. They had to spend 2 cold nights on the wall without sleeping bags and a stove, meal and water. They were heated putting on backpacks on a head. After they descended Leo was sleeping for two days and then was drinking nonstop one day more. Now he is as sober as a judge, and they'll leave tomorrow for the next climb: this time it is El Mocho turn. Dean and Stephanie yesterday descended to Bridwell and tomorrow are going to Norwegos. They want to try to summit Cerro Torre all the same. We'll leave tomorrow too. We decided to try to start directly from Norwegos in alpine style not to bivy at the Col. It would be hard. All the route includes about 40 pitches. We'll start at night on Monday. We have a good forecast on Monday - Tuesday, but on Wednesday the weather will start to spoil. We'd like to hug tight all of you, |
Tomorrow we will climb hardly upper and spend the night on a shoulder's bergschrund there. Thomas Huber and Dean Potter plan to start climbing in 2 hours and ascend all the night, i.e. tomorrow to reach the top and then Dean Potter wants to make a b.a.s.e.-jump right from the summit. |
That is all there is to it for today. |
And in Buenos Aires the real summer holds. They are dancing tango in the streets, beggars and paperboys are passing to and fro. The day is sweaty. Tomorrow we take off for El Calafate. We'd like to hold you in our arms.
Today we arrived from Buenos Aires in El Calafate. Cerro Torre and Fitzroy were visible from the plane. The sky is grotesque here. Low torn clouds, absolutely flat, bear heavily on your mind. There was only one terrible tent and we had to buy it unconscious of how to use it. But there was no other alternative. And we bought a cool newest down sleeping bag in weight of 700g. Tomorrow at 7 a.m. we leave in Chalten by bus. This journey will take us for 5 hours. Alxander, Leonid, Olga.
(31.01.2005) In the Super Final in Valle di Daone the Austrian and German beat Herbert Klammer from Italy and Natalia Koulikova from Russia. Simon Wandeler from Switzerland and Jenny Lavarda from Italy placed third. For full news reports and a great photo gallery by Giulio Malfer, please visit: http://www.daoneicemaster.it/
Such fast ascent's ending appeared unexpected for a lot of fans. We were adjusted for waiting for good news for some days. As it turned out during communication Kodar-Krasnoyarsk Nikolay omitted mention of the bottom 4-5 pitches of an abrupt snow-ice couloir they had climbed. Thus, all the route is really of 22 pitches, extent of its wall part - 17 pitches. All the plans have been completely accomplished. The team prepares for returning. Term of return depends on helicopter's availability in Taksimo and good weather. We congratulate and wait for the winners! |
We decided not to take off the fixed rope for extreme descent in case of bad weather. Today is negative 34, but a thermometer has already registered -38 and-40 degrees centigrade. The wall is very cold and all ice-covered due to its exposition: within all the day any stream of sun does not reach its slopes. Large monolithic blocks, corners, chimneys are characteristic parameters of wall's terrain structure. It's hard to organize a safe belay. We use sky-hooks to climb very firm granite plates, but it's really difficult. Steepness is up to 80 degrees in places, but the top part of the route seems more abrupt on the average. Everything is lovely in the base camp. The warmed tent Rock Pillars is worth its keep. When it's made up the fire in it we have about +20 inside. Under the wall we dug a good cave for 6 people. The area is very interesting, wild: there is not any local habitation, hunting shelters or man's traces. Loginov and Sikilinda climbed a beautiful winter 5B-graded route on the next (left) mountain spending 2 days for fixing the rope and one day for the summit push. The other free members of our expedition climbed less complex routes 1B- and 2A-graded. We keep shootings a film about our expedition. In spite of the fact that the camera is frequently freezing, we have already shot an hour and a half. Misha Vershinin actively works. Now it's full of the moon, and Mike is shooting even in the moonlight. Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to send photos. And we can only receive SMS-messages but not send them. Keep in touch with us!
24.01.05. |
![]() (26.01.2005) In ice-climbing organizers do not want to peddle cups: if they carry out something it will be a championship. The results of World Championship-2005 were summed up: Austrian Hari Berger and Petra Muller from Switzerland won Difficulty and Evgeny Kryvosheytsev from Ukraine and Natalia Kulikova from Russia were the first in speed. Results Difficulty. Men 1 BERGER Hari (Austria) Difficulty. Women 1 MULLER Petra (Switzerland) Speed. Men 1 KRYVOSHEYTSEV Evgeny (Ukraine) Speed. Women 1 KOULIKOVA Natalia
Russia Photo:
Hari Berger. Author: Giulio Malfer, |
(24.01.2005) Sergey Borisov Master of Sport of International Grade The last climber who was called as "The best climber of the USSR" (1990 and 1991) just before USSR's disintegration. 1990 - won the USSR championship in a technical class (Fanskie mountain) having ascended 8 summits for 13 days (six 5B-graded routes and two 6À). 1991 - the USSR championship, a rocky class, Karavshin gorge of the Turkestansky ridge. The team of Alexander Klenov, Sergey Borisov, Michael Bruk, Igor Bugachevsky, Michael Donskikh, Alexander Solodovnikov summited peaks "Slesova", "Asan" and won "the gold". 1991 - the USSR championship, a technical class, Aksu gorge of the Turkestansky ridge. The team of Sergey Borisov, Alexander Klenov, Michael Brook, Michael Donskikh, Alexander Kolesov, Alexander Limarenko summited Admiralteets, Iskander, A.Blok and won "the gold". 2002 - Everest via Northern col. |
22.01.05 21.01.05 19.01.05 |
The day before we start our descent adventure we lost our Kitchenboy Chiring, who went to ABC to take down the last things….. In the evening he didn’t come back to BC and we was very worry…. All together we went out in the darkness and the storm, looking for him. We thought about the worst, because the temperature was very low and it had snow a lot. Luckily Chiring organised by himself one bivac 2 ours far from BC, when he understood the difficulty of the situation. But we pasted a very bad night…. The day after we droved by the jeep to Zangmu, the boarder to Nepal. There we take showers and sauna for 3 ours non-stop!!! Today we arrived at Kathmandu. On more shower and now we are preparing to go out from our Hotel and I want to eat a big beef and make party for be back to the normality. P.S. Today, the 20th of January the CTMA certificated our summit with the sentence “first winter Summit” as the first winter summit from Shisha Pangma, maked by Simone Moro ITA and Piotr Morawski POL at the 14th of Januray
On January 19 at Parallel Slalom Denis became only 13th and Svetlana - 12th. The world championship is carried out twice a year. And against rather sad results of Russian skiers in technical sports (slalom, giant slalom) success of our snowboarding team is impressing.
Ines Papert won Difficulty event with the best time 19:53 and thousand spectators could enjoy her sending the most complicated mixed line in the artificial ice canyon. She was the unique women made TOP - really that was not a sensation, but that fact that her time was the best by the end of the competitions went through like a packet of salts! A cool Canadian athlete Will Gadd yielded this fragile German girl almost for two minutes, and Harry Berger from Austria - much more than that. It is fair to say that Will Gadd sent a final line without "Heelhooks" manner and that took much more time to send. Well, this result and sending the route of "Vertical Limit" are confirmed Ines's high class and unconditional leadership among all the masters of frozen water.
The tenth annual festival "Events in Ouary" (Salt Lake City, Utha) became unqualified success of its Organizers, some thousand spectators were obvious confirmation to that. The conditions for ice-climbing in Ouary canyon were simply phenomenally good. And slide shows and a fashion parade of exclusive sports mark "Arc'teryx" completed even without that interesting evening programs. Ines's result is really unique. The Chief of Black Diamond European branch said: "Ines is very cool. I do not know any woman in athletic sports in which a girl could become better, than the best man!" Total report
Photo - www.bergsteigen.at |
The Wall justifies our expectations: impressive, severe, tempting. It's very abrupt and has altitude difference not less than 1000m. We set a camp in 3 kilometers from the Wall. Woodland is insignificant there. Today the part of our team went downwards the gorge for preparation of fire wood for the stove, and the others went to break trail to Wall's foot. Yesterday the temperature in Taksimo was negative 40, but in the gorge it is a little bit warmer. Our greetings to everyone who is a fan of us! 14.01.2005 Our Expedition started.
One of these days the guys come back, but I want to be late a little and stay here to take a walk. Our greetings to all of you. |
(14.01.2005) This is first winter ascent on Shisha Pangma in history (callendar winter started 21st December) and we can truly say that in typical winter conditions (strong wind, no snow, a lot of ice). Now only six 8000 meters peaks are waiting for its first winter ascents...
Simone and Piotr |
It is worthwhile to say that Nick and Stuart sent the route clean, i.e. free climbed. Nick already tried the route last year but fell and broke his anklebone, and this year he returned there with MacAleese to have luck again on 13-pitch mixed route. All the route took them four days, from which two full days they were climbing.
Simone and Piotr |
The wind is still blowing with terrible force. But we'd like to reach the col (about 7300) and hope to set up Camp 2 behind the col. Today, during the way to the ABC we were watching a wind smoke on the summit ridge, and we didn't want even to think what was up there... Also the south wall of Shisha has totally changed character comparing to that 2 weeks ago: instead of snow we could see big fields of pure ice! |
We are in a good physical condition and motivation is high... In any case we will follow his advise and Piotr and I will go tomorrow "only" to try to finish to fix all the route till the ridge at 7300 and fix C2. Than we will be back in base camp waiting for good news from Karl and his perfect forecast.
Yesterday they get a really hard job and difficult conditions and this morning was difficult to take decision to left the sleeping bags and start for the descent to ABC and BC. Jan also started to come down from ABC to BC and this evening we will be all together here at 5200 meter of Base Camp. Tomorrow we will take decision and strategies for the next important week....
Yesterday we finished to repair one of the 3 tends we get in ABC that had been seriously broken from the big hungry birds. The birds were looking for food and brake all the tends, without find any food (we left especially in a plastic drum). Maybe the damage is a revenge....?
Tomorrow they will try to carry higher....
Cross the finger for us.... The next 1/2 weeks will be extremely important for
the climb.
Darek and Jacek were working all the day above the C1 (6550
m). They probably reached 6800 m, foot of the last few hundreds meters of couloir. Our route occured longer than we expected and with ropes we already have up, it will be difficult to reach the col. But we will do our best.
Our generator stopped to work and "get frostbite". Piotr and Jan today made a surgery operation and they obtain to get 12 volt power from it. Together my solar pannel we should continue to give enough energy to our camp...
Karl Gabl (our Austrian Guru for the weahter forecast) said to be patient and to call him Monday in Innsbruck. We will have our next weather forecast and we hope to have good news... We wish again a nice 2005 full of smiling moments...
Last night the wind and the cold had been a good test for our capacities. The bad weather should persist for the next 3/4 days and we will take a good rest and "charge our motivations and determination". Tonight we will celebrate the new year and we wish to all of you a 2005 in health and without any polemic... Have a nice 2005!! and I hope you will continue to follow the adventures from me and my friends also in 2005. |
Tomorrow we'd like to work higher. Now the weather is quite good, a lot of clouds, sometimes sun and the wind is shaking our tent, but not blowing us out from the wall. Ciao, Simone |
Today we worked to fix all the tends of base camp and fix them with ropes and big stones to avoid that wind brake them during next storms. Tonight we will celebrate our Christmas and Jan prepared a nice Christmas tree in the dining tend. Tomorrow we probably go to ABC and back to BC, to carry some equipment. We wish all of you our greetings and Marry Christmas!!! Simone, Jan, Darek, Piotr, Jacek |
We arrived
in Nyalam today. We left yesterday because today there was supposed to be
a strike with numerous blockades on the street from Kathmandu to the border. Unfortunately,
although we left yesterday we still had problems half an hour before Kodhari (on
the border of Nepal and China). A military street blockade with a barbed wire
and machine gunners lined up forced us to wait until the next day to continue.
We were able to sleep in a small private house and eat in a hut for the Nepalese.
A few days ago, before returning to Nepal, he gave Lafaille the certificate which proves his climb to the peak at 14:00 on December 11th, but he did not write "WINTER EXPEDITION" even though the Frenchman insisted he write it because he didn't consider it a winter climb. Nawang says that he has 10 years of expedition experience in all 4 seasons and Lafaille's climb was not to be registered with the TMA as a "WINTER EXPEDITION" but as "LATE AUTUMN." Anyone can contact Nawang at the TMA in order to confirm this. The French alpinist got his Chinese Visa extended because
he only intended to stay 30 days and as he entered Tibet and started the expedition
before December 1st, he acted with the normal autumn permission. With all this
news and clarification, added to the scientific one of the world season calendar
which says that winter starts the 21st of December, we must consider that Shisha
Pangma has never been conquered in winter. Now it's up to us to see if this climb
is possible… Translation by Jonathan Etes |
Having stayed for some days in only 150 meters up to the summit waiting for the weather window, the guys began their sad descent. |
any case we would like to congratulate JC Lafaille for the good climb and the
success. Really! We also would like to congratulate him for the tactics.....
Simone, Darek, Piotr |
It is the first successful ascent on Shishapangma (8047m) done solo and without supplementary oxygen. The information is provided by Katia Lafaille, France, www.jclafaille.com
Men Women |
Only at base camp we will decide the route we will attempt. We want to see directly the snow condition of the face and the weather forecast we will have from Innsbruck from my personal friend Karl Gabl. Herewith I'm sending you the postcard I prepared for our expedition. I dind't received yet the cable but I took free all next week to realize all the procedure and training with iPAQ and Contact 3.0. Keep in touch |
See all the results http://www.digitalrock.de
(11.11.2004) |
(4.11.2004) UIAA Climbing-Worldcup 2004 Bouldering Women Men Speed Women Men Difficulty. The current rating Women Men All results http://digitalrock.de |
The leaders of Big Cup Mrazek and Sarkany. Chabot and Eiter are the second. |
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